Pandu featured here is one of GITA NAGARI YOGA FARMS beloved, protected cows. He and cows all over want you to know that GITA NAGARI YOGA FARM is the ONLY non kill dairy on the east coast. Did you know that ALL other dairies on the east coast send their cows to the slaughter house after they are finished milking? Yes, its a big dark secret the dairy industry keeps quiet for obvious reasons. I didnt know about it either until i came to the farm....and all this time i was buying "organic, grass fed" cow milk---and this does no good at all! Even "organic"dairies send their cows to slaughter. So, please spread the word about Gita Nagari's Cruelty Free Dairy Line and next time you visit us, go home with some raw milk! We sell it fresh frozen so you can boil only what you want to use at the time and save the rest. Its the best milk on the east coast for obvious reasons. Please animal lovers spread the word about GITA NAGARI cruelty free milk-- even vegans love our milk becaue no animals are mistreated! Cows all over need you to spread the word about the dairy industry and send your family and friends to GITA NAGARI YOGA FARM. Also, go ahead and ask your local natural food store to carry cruelty free milk. Have them call us. Cows all over thank you.